Annual Meeting
The annual meeting will be held on January 26.
Ministry leaders, please have your reports turned into the office by January 14.
Parishioners with last names beginning with A-M, please bring a dessert, and those with last names beginning with N-Z, please bring a side.
New Vestry Member candidates are: Julie King, Kristin Brown, and Jon Dailey
Normal Worship Service Schedule
Please feel free to worship with us on any Sunday:
8:00 a.m.: This is our most traditional service. It is a beautiful peaceful and quiet holy communion without regular music. It follows the Rite One service from the Book of Common Prayer.
10:30 a.m.: This service is filled with music, both traditional as well as contemporary. A practical message is given every week, applying the timeless wisdom of the Bible to everyday life. A parallel children’s ministry called Gods Kids is offered for kids five years old through fifth grade. The service follows the Rite Two holy communion service from the Book of Common Prayer. This service is streamed online for those who cannot be in church. To watch Click on: LIvestream Service Bulletin
9:00 a.m.: Breakfast (coffee, doughnuts, bagels): There’s plenty of food, especially for the family running late. A donation of fifty cents is welcome but your credit is good with us.
9:30 a.m.: Christian Education: An Adult Forum class meets in the Parish Hall and a Small Group meets in the Guild Room. Children’s Christian Education meets in classes in the upstairs Parish Hall.
Small Groups: There’s a small group for just about anyone (meeting at various times), according to what is your interest. There are women’s groups, men’s groups, mixed groups, traditional Bible studies or book groups to completely untraditional offerings like learning to play the guitar or how to use a computer. Won’t you try one out and get to know some folks along the way.
Wednesday mornings: 10:00 a.m. This simple holy communion service is an unpretentious time to worship and pray and includes a special time to pray for healing.
Welcome to St. Thomas, Oakmont!
We are a group of people who believe Jesus is alive and welcome people no matter where they happen to be on their spiritual journey.
- What we believe: We believe that we Christians are part of the Body of Christ and that we are accepted where we are. But God never leaves us where we are but calls us to grow: spiritually, in the life of our community, in the life of our congregation and in number.
- Our Mission: We, as members of the Body of Christ, are called to grow: spiritually, in parish life, in our community, and as a congregation.